Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coffs Harbour to Home

A very overdue post on our last leg home.....

After our "eventful" trip from Southport, we were grateful for a relaxing break at Coffs Harbour. A few days we were kindly joined by Able Crewman "Dangerous Cargo" for our last leg home. We left Saturday (in August) morning for the trip south.

Apart from a very cold night, we mostly motored due to lack of wind. We made great time and by early morning we had to slow down to co-incide with the favourable tide across Swansea bar.

On passing off Stockton Beach, we celebrated with a breakfast of bacon (locally smoked in Belligen) and eggs (free range from The Pinnacles) and were joined by whales, dolphins and (of all things) seals. The sea was teaming with wildlife. Yippee!

We had an easy bar crossing, timed nicely with the opening of Swansea bridge. Then the passage through Swansea channel and the obligatory "touch" just before the drop over, taken mush more calmly by the crew than in the past. After entering the Lake a comment was made that the Lake appeared "small" by comparison to the ocean. And it did but comfortingly so...

It was lovely to be home but we enjoyed the wonderful challenge of finally fulfilling a life plan. Thank you to all our friends and family who helped and supported us during this trip. A special thanks to Able Crewman Bosma who saved the sanity of the navigator by joining us on the last leg home.

Stay tuned for our next sailing trip...yes...we're planning it already...Europe anyone?
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