Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sailing dog

Sophie has always been a reluctant sailor. In an effort to improve Sophie's sailing legs I bought her some dog shoes which arrived in a fashionable red with high tech tread for extra grip. After some hilarious dancing around (from Sophie) after the shoes were on, she was none too pleased with the final result. After reading the instructions, I discovered the one thing you shouldn't do was laugh at the dog once the shoes were on...oops too late. And too cute.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Red sky in the morning

Very interesting weather day today. Red dust storm from the west with extreme high winds. Sky was blood red in the morning with the sunshine reappearing in the late afternoon. The winds also eased. During this time our neighbouring moored yacht broke her lines and ended up beached on the lake shore. Coastal rescue pulled her off. Third time it's happened apparently.....
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